
Joe TafurColombian-American, integrative family physician Joe Tafur works part-time as a physician in the United States and otherwise assists in management and treatment at Nihue Rao, a traditional healing center in the Amazionian Rainforest in Iquitos, Peru. Nihue Rao, established in 2011, offers traditional healing and training with master plants and traditional ayahuasca ceremony. Further programs in integrative healing, medical education, and visionary art are being developed at Nihue Rao.

Joe is also currently apprenticing under Maestro Ricardo Amaringo, assisting in ayahuasca ceremony and in all other aspects of treatment. He has extensive experience in Integrative Medicine and has been inspired to initiate the Office of Ancestral Medicine at Nihue Rao.

Joe completed medical school at the University of California, San Diego.  He has participated in research projects with the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in San Diego and has also guest lectured at their program among many other projects in the development of effective integrative medicine. He has now begun lecturing on his work at Nihue Rao as an integrative physician.