Heart-Centered Work in Challenging Times...
In these times that require sustained action to create change simultaneously in multiple arenas: political, spiritual, social, economic, and cultural, how do we sustain ourselves.…read more.
Encountering Evil with Betsy Bergstrom...
How can we acknowledge the existence of evil, work effectively with it and still live our lives from a deep experiential knowing that we are…read more.
Protection: How to with Betsy Bergstrom...
How do you protect yourself, even on your really bad days? How do you protect the energy of your life, so that it is not…read more.
Your Most Powerful Ally and Protection with Betsy Bergs...
This week shaman, Betsy Bergstrom, returns to continue our discussion of shamanism and Heart Centered Shamanic Depossession. Bergstrom specializes in unraveling thoughtforms and curses to…read more.
Heart Centered Shamanic Healing with Betsy Bergstrom...
“Modern shamanism is alive and thriving,” says shaman, Betsy Bergstrom, our guest this week. “There is a wonderful blending of ancestral and ancient knowledge with…read more.