Solstice Fire: Transforming Discord and Division

The depth of systemic political, financial, ecological, and social divisiveness and abuse of power is revealed more fully each day. Now what? What will you do differently and how will you make the desire for change in your heart real in your world today? Winter or Summer, a solstice fire ritual is an opportunity to work with our most ancient ancestor, Fire, to release our deep habits of inner discord and out divisiveness to step into the medicine the world is calling out of us. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she shares the guidance of the Teachers for the 2018 Solstice Fire Ritual. The message is Essence and surrendering to the Fire those energies that keep you in internal discord and unable to become a transforming force for the divisiveness in the world around you.

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Conducting your own Solstice Fire Ritual. I am going to share this with the assumption that this is the very first time you have done any of this. Those of you who are comfortable already, great. This version will be basic. As always with ritual, do the steps at your level. Simple will still be effective. And Simple will be safe. If you want to embellish and know how, by all means.

1. Prepare as prescribed by Spirit. If others are joining you make sure that they also prepare.
2. Prepare your self
3. Prepare your space
4. Prepare your post ritual celebration
5. Light your fire
6. Call in spirit help… songs are good
7. Invocation… In the invocation you greet the fire as a being, asking it to perform its sacred function. In this case you are there asking the fire to help you to release the fears and other energies that keep you in collusion with the old story. You are asking for freedom to move into the space between stories, to imagine the unimaginable and make possible the impossible.
8. Feed the fire offerings, songs, prayers, all asking it to become a sweet and sacred fire. Most important is to treat the fire as a being.
9. Release your power objects into the fire…
10. Dance…
11. Speak, but not too much. Speak like you mean it. Speak like you are talking through the fire to your ancestors, because you are.
12. Witness
13. When done, give Gratitude to the fire, again as a being.
14. Offer songs of gratitude and release the spirits you have called in.
15. Bow out. Be sure to close your ritual work and truly close.
16. Then celebrate.

About Christina Pratt…

Shamanic teacher and author, Christina is a skilled shamanic healer who weaves her authentic shamanic experience, extensive training, and experience with shamans from Ecuador, Nepal, Tibet, and Africa into her contemporary practice. She has been in practice for 20 years, specializing in soul retrieval healings, soul part integration, and ancestral healing. She is the director of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing in Portland, Oregon.

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