
Martin Brennan possesses a deep commitment to helping people (including himself) remember how to feed their love, starve their fears, and live boldly. Martin has studied spirituality and leadership for over twenty years. These dual passions have lead him to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer, work with street children in the developing world, earn a MA in Creation Spirituality from Naropa University, work as a Diversity and Leadership Trainer in corporate America, and travel to over 40 countries on six continents. Martin has also studied, practiced and instructed the principles of shamanism for the past 12 years. For the past nine years, Martin has assisted at numerous week-long summer workshops offered by the Portland, Oregon-based Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing. Martin believes firmly that each and every one of us brings a unique gift to this world, and the responsibility to cultivate it, hone it, and share it openly.