Ancestral Healing: Transforming Persistent Patterns—P...
We all come from the first man and the first woman. Yet we created “race,” a historical story to justify the concept of “white supremacy.”…read more.
Ancestral Healing: Transforming Persistent Patterns ...
Healing our ancestral lines can bring us face to face with some really complex patterns, woven and interwoven by generations of people before us. Often…read more.
Ancestral Healing Triage: Where to Begin Without Tradit...
Where do we begin to heal our ancestral lines? What is the first step when we do not have traditions that guide us? How do…read more.
Ancestral Healing and Activism...
When we change patterns held by our ancestors, we become free to change those patterns within ourselves. Ancestral Healing empowers not only the healing of…read more.
Moving into the Deep Water...
We are born as an answer to the prayers of our ancestors. We are the medicine for our time. But what does that actually mean?…read more.
The Way of the Leopard with John Lockley...
John Lockley is one of the first white men in recent history to become a fully initiated Xhosa Sangoma, the traditional healers of South Africa,…read more.
Ancestors and Descendants: Working with Helping Spirits...
Why would I want a working relationship with my ancestors when I can’t stand my own relations? Fair question when so much addiction, depression, social…read more.
Transforming Pain...
Join us this week as we explore the application of shamanic skills to transform pain, whether it is physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. “In the…read more.
Healing our Ancestral Lines with Martin Brennan...
“Throughout shamanic cultures worldwide there exists a deep respect and understanding of our connectedness and indebtedness to our Ancestors. It is the duty of the…read more.