Death, Dying, and The Dead: Ancestral Overview...
It is the rare contemporary person in the USA who knows what to do with death; how to approach death, how to ease the dying…read more.
Ancestral Healing: Transforming Persistent Patterns—P...
We all come from the first man and the first woman. Yet we created “race,” a historical story to justify the concept of “white supremacy.”…read more.
Ancestral Healing: Transforming Persistent Patterns ...
Healing our ancestral lines can bring us face to face with some really complex patterns, woven and interwoven by generations of people before us. Often…read more.
Ancestral Healing: Where to Begin...
We all have ancestors. Some are the source of great blessings and protection. Others repel us with their legacy of injustice, abuse, and suffering. Either…read more.
Angry Kids, Ancestral Healing & Climate Changes...
There are deeply unresolved ancestral patterns at play in the world today. They keep us from seeing reality accurately and the fullness of possibility. They…read more.
Ancestral Healing Triage: Where to Begin Without Tradit...
Where do we begin to heal our ancestral lines? What is the first step when we do not have traditions that guide us? How do…read more.
Ancestral Healing Triage: Where to Begin Without Tradit...
We all have ancestors. They are with us in our blood. We do not all have traditions that guide us in dealing with our ancestors.…read more.
Escaping the Bully Victim Pattern...
A bully victim pattern is surfacing publicly as we begin to confront the reality of internalized and unconscious patterns of marginalization. When we are unconscious…read more.
Ancestral Healing and Activism...
When we change patterns held by our ancestors, we become free to change those patterns within ourselves. Ancestral Healing empowers not only the healing of…read more.
Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Hea...
The blood lineage ancestors, who carry the unresolved issues of the family line, can change when met by a skillful person. The dead can finally…read more.
Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Hea...
Your blood lineage ancestors, irrespective of religion, race, or culture, include the thousands of women and men whose lives weave a story back to the…read more.
Ancestors and Descendants: Working with Helping Spirits...
Why would I want a working relationship with my ancestors when I can’t stand my own relations? Fair question when so much addiction, depression, social…read more.
Ancestral Healing and the Spirits of the Land...
Traditionally “the ancestors” are helping spirits that assist the living in creating a world the descendants are honored to inherit. Yet in our immediate past…read more.
Ancestral Healing – hosted by Dr. Linda Christens...
“We are the dreams of our Ancestors…” and they are also our nightmares. All that remains unresolved in your ancestral line, the violence, injustice, and…read more.