The Book of Ceremony with Sandra Ingerman...
Ceremony allows us to bring the sacred into ordinary life. Ceremony has been used by cultures around the world for tens of thousands of years…read more.
Integrating Shamanic Peak Experiences: Part One...
Shamanic peak experiences, whether experienced in ritual, ceremony, or shamanic healing, often feel as if they have changed our lives in the moment. And then,…read more.
Initiation Is Not Graduation...
Initiation is not graduation. Initiation is not the formal certification of the successful completion of a course of shamanic training, nor is it the ritual…read more.
Shamanic Ritual and Ceremony with Lenore Norrgard and K...
Shamanic ritual and ceremony are the “power tools” used by shamanic practitioners around the world to create change and transformation in their lives. Humans engage…read more.
Rites of Passage with Annie Spencer...
“Making Ceremony is a way of reminding ourselves that in fact all that we do is sacred,” explains Annie Spencer, founder of Hartwell Centre for…read more.