Teens, Shamanism, and Hidden Worlds with Sandra Ingerma...
Our children are inherriting vast challenges to their future played out in the environment, the ecomomy, family dysfuction, and heightening social devisiveness. What if we…read more.
The Highly Skilled Wounded Child...
The highly skilled wounded child arises when an adult learns an assortment of excellent skills to move out of the pain caused today by their…read more.
Predatory Energy: Children and Shamanism Part 4...
Little frightens us as parents more than the fear of someone abusing our children. There are predatory people in our current culture. In this reality,…read more.
Children and Shamanism: Teens...
Shamanism is misunderstood, occasionally maligned, and still considered to be on the fringe even in alternative circles. Yet contemporary practitioners remain undaunted and the range…read more.
Shamanic Life with Kids...
“Children arrive animists,” says author and shaman, S. Kelley Harrell. “They learn about life, themselves, and empathy by imagining the liveliness of everything they come…read more.
Children and Shamanism: Infants...
Sacred space is created for ritual and ceremony, but rarely for conception. For a human there are few actions as sacred as the creation of…read more.