Death, Dying, and The Dead: Ancestral Overview...
It is the rare contemporary person in the USA who knows what to do with death; how to approach death, how to ease the dying…read more.
Grief and the Healing Heart...
Grief itself offers us great compassion. It comes and goes, tailoring itself to each heart that is experiencing loss and bereavement. It takes its time,…read more.
Psychopomp—to Conduct the Souls of the Dead with Davi...
Not all who die leave the realm of the living easily and these souls need help. From the beginning of people the shaman has served…read more.
Dying Well: Shamanic Wisdom...
Dying is part of life; it is that simple. When death is accepted as a natural part of our journey, an extraordinary amount of energy…read more.
Ethics in Shamanic Practice: Hard Choices...
“Healing into death” sounds reasonable until the terminal diagnosis has been handed to someone we love, especially when that someone is young with a whole…read more.
Co-Creating Your Future with the Dead...
There are some basic principles needed to co-create your reality, to orient your energy and your vision, and then manifesting a better world should be…read more.
Life and Death: Authenticity in Shamanism...
Those who engage in life and live it to its fullest, die many, many small deaths. When we live fully, learning, healing, and expressing who…read more.
Why Are We Afraid to Die?...
The stories we have been told about where we go when we die shape our reality about death. Millions of people are terrified of death…read more.
Healing Through End of Life with Leslie Bryan...
“Curing is the successful treatment and resolution of an issue; healing is to bring peace or fulfillment on an emotional, mental or spiritual level, regardless…read more.
Shamanic Healing for Death and Dying...
Death is a point of transition. There is the approach to death, a process we call dying. And there is the departure from death, a…read more.
Death and Shamanism...
“The things we learn about life from working with the dead,” says shaman and host, Christina Pratt, “are timeless and priceless.” One of the shaman’s…read more.
Two Paths of True Transformation...
True Transformation delivers us to a new state of being from which there is no going back. “Today most people are aware of transformation through…read more.