The Way of the Leopard with John Lockley...
John Lockley is one of the first white men in recent history to become a fully initiated Xhosa Sangoma, the traditional healers of South Africa,…read more.
Leaders, Shadow, and Shamanism...
Leading is a thankless job, whether you lead a community garden or a nation. People criticize, blame, and project their unacknowledged flawed selves onto leaders…read more.
The Lost Art of Sleep with Dr. Rubin Naiman...
Sleep is profoundly peaceful. In this time of escalating racial violence, cyber bullying, and aggression against women, we have no frame of reference for the…read more.
Spring: Dreaming and Manifesting...
Each season has its own spirit and they all have profound influence on us, regardless of our ignorance to their presence. Modern people who live…read more.
Co-Creating Your World with Other People...
Co-creation is an art that must be practiced consciously. Without conscious engagement our ability to manifest a life that is more joyful for us can…read more.
Renewing Your Dream...
Short days and long, dark nights lend themselves to unpacking squashed impulses of authenticity, assumptions that diminish passion, and denied feelings. Winter is the time…read more.
How do we ReDream our Life?...
How do we redream our life when a spouse dies, a beloved sibling, or perhaps a child? How do we redream a life of love…read more.
A New Dreaming Society with Robert Moss...
“Active Dreaming is a way of being fully of this world while maintaining constant contact with another world, the world-behind-the-world, where the deeper logic and…read more.
Shamans and Dreams: Part Two...
Spirits produce dreams, but not necessarily all dreams. This is important because it means that there are potentially multiple spirits producing dreams, not just a…read more.
Shamans and Dreams: Part One...
This week we explore your nighttime dreams and how shamans interpret them. “There are many valid and useful systems of thought through which to interpret…read more.