Rescuing the Heart at the End of the World—Part Three...
Centering the heart’s wisdom is rare in our plethora of movements, traditions, and modalities that we engage to tend our Body, Mind, and Spirit. Many…read more.
Rescuing the Heart at the End of the World—Part Two...
With all of our Body, Mind, and Spirit practices we still rarely address the heart or our emotions. Even when our emotions are mentioned, they…read more.
Rescuing the Heart at the End of the World – Part...
Today there are a plethora of movements, traditions, and modalities that promise to help us tend our Mind, Body, and Spirit. However, rarely is the…read more.
Heart-Centered Work in Challenging Times...
In these times that require sustained action to create change simultaneously in multiple arenas: political, spiritual, social, economic, and cultural, how do we sustain ourselves.…read more.
The Root of Resiliency...
To bring our mature courageous hearts into action in the world we must be resilient. But resiliency is the first casualty in a culture that…read more.
Expressing the Emotional Wisdom Body...
The Emotional Wisdom Body is a world unto itself. It is every bit is vast, complex, and intricately interconnected as the mental wisdom body but…read more.
Engaging the Physical Wisdom Body...
When we live far from our true nature the voice of our physical wisdom body becomes hard to hear. The guidance that could bring us…read more.
Accessing Your Four Wisdom Bodies...
Shamanic skills allow us to engage with the world around us, each other, and ourselves in a nonordinary way that integrates intelligence and intimacy, vision…read more.
Shame and the Healing Heart...
We feel natural shame when we fall short of our own inner standards, especially when others get hurt. It is a natural response of the…read more.
The Elemental Heart...
At the core of initiatory illness are the spirits who are looking for a pure heart. They can teach you all you need to know…read more.
Creating a Crucible of Transformation...
Humans have an amazing capacity for change if they choose to access it. Even transformation, which is change we cannot go back from, is accessible…read more.
The Heart of Fear...
Everything has a heart, even fear. In our chronic, cultural avoidance of fear we miss the heart of the matter and in that miss the…read more.
Awakening the Courageous Heart – Part Two...
Why are we afraid to feel? Why do we fear the emotional intelligence of the heart? The heart affects mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance, and…read more.
Awakening the Courageous Heart – Part One...
The choice to love again precedes the healing. This is the confusion most share. The heart doesn’t heal so that it can love again. The…read more.
The Shaman’s Heart...
The shaman’s heart is an awakened heart. The path the shaman walks to free the heart offers a metaphor for each of us to find…read more.
Protection: How to with Betsy Bergstrom...
How do you protect yourself, even on your really bad days? How do you protect the energy of your life, so that it is not…read more.
Where Shamanism is Today with Sandra Ingerman...
Sandra Ingerman, our guest, is recognized internationally for addressing the needs of our times directly by bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture.…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 4: The Vision of the Seer...
Courageous Heart Series—Part 4 of 4: The Vision of the Seer Shamanism as a spiritual practice allows us to gather and cultivate the powers of…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 3: The Power of the Teacher...
Courageous Heart Series—Part 3 of 4: The Power of the Teacher You have the gathered the love of your path (Healer) and the wisdom to…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 2: The Wisdom of the Warrior...
Courageous Heart Series—Part 2 of 4: The Wisdom of the Warrior So what does it take to live your life with a courageous heart? To…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 1: The Love of the Healer...
Courageous Heart Series—Part 1 of 4: The Love of the Healer So what does it take to truly and fully live a life of Authenticity…read more.