The Runic Book of Days with Kelley Harrel...
“Our most challenging task as humans is finding meaning in our self and the world around us,” says Kelley Harrell, author of Runic Book of…read more.
Are We Changing the Spirit World? With Kelley Harrell: ...
Our personal focus and practice must move out from inner work into ever-widening circles of collective work for our personal/spiritual transformation to be truly effective…read more.
Are We Changing the Spirit World? With Kelley Harrell: ...
Is there a parallel between our effect on the physical world, like climate change and polluting our elemental resources, and changes in the spirit world?…read more.
Are We Changing the Spirit World? With Kelley Harrell: ...
The fixed and constant idea of the invisible world ordered in upper, middle, and lower worlds is a fundamental assumption of neoshamanism. However, if the…read more.
Chronic Illness and Shamanic Practice with Kelley Harre...
Living with chronic illness is a challenge, a challenge more and more people are being required to navigate daily in an already busy life. How…read more.
Children and Shamanism: Teens...
Shamanism is misunderstood, occasionally maligned, and still considered to be on the fringe even in alternative circles. Yet contemporary practitioners remain undaunted and the range…read more.
The Tribe of the Modern Mystic with Kelley Harrell...
What is it really, creatively, effectively like to do good shamanic work these days? How do you manage the demand that every class, ritual, and…read more.
Gift of the Dreamtime with Kelley Harrell...
For those of you interested in shamanism you can experience a shaman finding her shaman legs, reshaping the workings of her mind, and awakening her…read more.