Centering Love as a Place of Power...
At the core of living well is the ability to center love as a place of power in any circumstance. This is equally, and in…read more.
Shamanism and the Mess of Love...
Humans are messy. And love is one of the messiest bits of human life. So what do we really mean when we strive to rise…read more.
The Challenge of Love...
Self-love is fundamental, but remains a Sisyphusian task for many. What would it take for you to respect, honor, and deeply value yourself? This is…read more.
Awakening the Courageous Heart – Part Two...
Why are we afraid to feel? Why do we fear the emotional intelligence of the heart? The heart affects mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance, and…read more.
Awakening the Courageous Heart – Part One...
The choice to love again precedes the healing. This is the confusion most share. The heart doesn’t heal so that it can love again. The…read more.
The Shaman in Love...
One of the great stressors in life is intimate relationships, both the having them and the not having them. We can cultivate intimacy with ourselves…read more.
Finding True Love...
The spirits teach us about love, one way or another, in each and every contact with them in journeys and out in nature, in dreams…read more.
Occupy Love: Shamanism and Restorative Action...
“How could we ask for anything less than the future?” That is the question. And it was asked by spoken word poet, Drew Dellinger, in…read more.
Love and Shamanism...
Why would the spirits bother to teach us about love? Because love is all there is. Think you’ve heard that before? We don’t think so. …read more.
Two Paths of True Transformation...
True Transformation delivers us to a new state of being from which there is no going back. “Today most people are aware of transformation through…read more.
The Importance of Essence...
If you say, “I love that show” and “I love my car”, what does it mean when you say, “I love my child” or “I…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 1: The Love of the Healer...
Courageous Heart Series—Part 1 of 4: The Love of the Healer So what does it take to truly and fully live a life of Authenticity…read more.