Mental Wellness in Pandemic Time...
Mental wellness extends deep roots into solitude, silence, and a sense of self. In times of quarantine we are cut off from everyday patterns of…read more.
PTSD is Not a Mental Illness...
PTSD is an illness of the soul, not the mind. Today PTSD is considered “an anxiety disorder.” However, the cluster of symptoms used to diagnose…read more.
Schizophrenia and Shamanism with Dick Russell...
There are many ways to look at the symptoms that the dominant, contemporary culture diagnoses as mental illness. Illnesses of the spirit or the soul…read more.
A Shamanic View of Mental Wellness—Tacey: Part Two...
Aboriginal elders warned the religious missionaries they encountered that if the trials of initiation were stopped then an even greater suffering would be unleashed on…read more.
A Shamanic View of Mental Illness—Tacey: Part One...
What we diagnose as “mental illness” today grows ever more resistant to reason, logic, pharmaceuticals, or medicine. What if these are not illnesses of the…read more.
A Shamanic View of Mental Illness—Somé...
When we look at mental illness through a different cultural lens we can see something entirely different than the standard allopathic interpretation of the situation.…read more.
How Do I Cultivate Emotional Well-being? Part Two...
What we are taught about emotions in the “developed, Western world” will make the majority of us sick over time. This is the core teaching…read more.
How Do I Cultivate Emotional Well-being? Part One...
Health in shamanic terms requires the interaction of body and spirit, mind and emotion. There is no physical health in shamanism apart from the dynamic…read more.
A Messianic Complex and Shamanism...
Shamanic initiatory experiences often involve a break with reality and a time of madness, which is perceived of as a kind of test or challenge…read more.
Shamanic Practice in the New World...
How is shamanic practice evolving, as it has in every age, to meet the challenges of our time? The spirits gave us good council as…read more.
Nature, Madness and Shamanism...
How do we live a sane life in an insane world? First we need to question Old World definitions of “reality” and “sanity” without throwing…read more.
Shamanism is Not an Excuse to be Crazy...
Being shamanic is not a pass card from the responsibility of living a grounded and sane life. Shamanic skills are actually a means by which…read more.
Shamanism and Transforming Mental Illness...
In shamanic cultures mental illness is a community illness that is caused when the community’s many shadow projections overwhelm the collective benevolent intent. When we…read more.