Centering Love as a Place of Power...
At the core of living well is the ability to center love as a place of power in any circumstance. This is equally, and in…read more.
Power and Shamanism...
Where do we learn the right use of power with examples of abuse, misuse, and squandering of power everywhere? As we enter the new year…read more.
Encounters with Power: Part Two...
What is right relationship with power? Once we make a successful bid for power how do we use it? And, perhaps more important, how do…read more.
Encounters with Power with José Luis Stevens...
What is power? How do we make a bid for power? And, perhaps more important, how do we recover when our bid for power goes…read more.
Healers, Shadow, and Shamanism...
Now that the ugly racist, sexist, violent, ignorant underbelly of America is exposed for the world to see, will we learn to heal the wounds…read more.
Visionaries, Shadow, and Shamanism...
True visionaries are a dime a dozen. Humanity is full of great ideas. What we find in short supply are those people who will actually…read more.
Leaders, Shadow, and Shamanism...
Leading is a thankless job, whether you lead a community garden or a nation. People criticize, blame, and project their unacknowledged flawed selves onto leaders…read more.
Awakening the Spiritual Wisdom Body...
You have a vision that you love and the wisdom to live it, but where does the power come from to make it real? The…read more.
Claiming Your Power…and then what happens...
The shamanic healing form, soul retrieval, can result in the direct and immediate return of our personal power and our sense of purpose in life.…read more.
Sovereignty and Your Calling...
Sovereignty is the supreme power to self govern and it is the core of a life lived well. What does sovereignty mean in a time…read more.
Resources for Shamanic Living with Sandra Ingerman...
The everyday empowerment of shamanic life is available to all who choose to step into direct relationship with their own helping spirits. This act of…read more.
The Source of True Power...
How do we cultivate the internal richness needed to sustain the true power of action? Where do we find the integrity to face our darkest…read more.
Power and Responsibility with Jonathan Horwitz...
“With great power comes great responsibility.” What will come of contemporary shamanism if we only focus on learning new skills to access greater and greater…read more.
Conflux of Power with Tom Cowan...
Tom Cowan joins host, Christina Pratt, to explore the art of “standing in the conflux of power.” This traditional role of the shaman involved moving…read more.
Small Acts of Power...
Shamanically speaking, what is happening in our country is the dismantling of our shared False Self, explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt. Do you want…read more.
Becoming a Person of Power...
A person of power is effective, joyful, and creative in life, regardless of the circumstances, while enjoying radiant health and well-being. Anyone can become a…read more.