Escaping the Bully Victim Pattern...
A bully victim pattern is surfacing publicly as we begin to confront the reality of internalized and unconscious patterns of marginalization. When we are unconscious…read more.
Crazy Logic and Shadow Transformation...
Effective shadow transformation requires a specialist who knows the terrain of the darkest reaches of the human heart. This specialist must be more than human,…read more.
Shadow Transformation Protocol with Christina Pratt...
The fundamental assumption about shadow work that blinds us to its true nature is the idea that shadow work is a psychological or spiritual issue.…read more.
Doing the Impossible: Tools for Change...
The ability to face the impossible and do it anyway is at the core of what it means to be human. At their best humans…read more.
What is Shadow Work Now? Part Two...
Shadow work is the sacred ground of decades of men’s work and women’s work pioneered by early visionaries like Jean Houston and Robert Bly and…read more.
Warriorship, Shadow, and Shamanism...
What actions are required to unite a nation divided? If we are not insane (and one wonders these days) then we must innovate and take…read more.
Healers, Shadow, and Shamanism...
Now that the ugly racist, sexist, violent, ignorant underbelly of America is exposed for the world to see, will we learn to heal the wounds…read more.
Leaders, Shadow, and Shamanism...
Leading is a thankless job, whether you lead a community garden or a nation. People criticize, blame, and project their unacknowledged flawed selves onto leaders…read more.
Co-Creating With Your Shadow: Part Two...
When we co-create our lives with Spirit and our Shadow together, we end up following the path of crazy logic. If you can use your…read more.
Co-Creating With Your Shadow: Part One...
What if our Shadow is actually trying to save us from a successful and safe but un-soul-satisfying life? What if our Shadow was actually trying,…read more.
What is Shadow Work?...
What is Shadow Work, really? Psychologically speaking the Shadow is an unconscious aspect of one’s personality that the conscious ego judges, fears or rejects to…read more.
Transforming Communal Shadows: Part Two...
If we are to write a truly new story for the people in the new world we must transform the communal shadow behaviors that shaped…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 2: The Wisdom of the Warrior...
Courageous Heart Series—Part 2 of 4: The Wisdom of the Warrior So what does it take to live your life with a courageous heart? To…read more.