The Courageous Heart Series
The Courageous Heart, Part 4: The Vision of the Seer
Courageous Heart Series—Part 4 of 4: The Vision of the Seer Shamanism as a spiritual practice allows us to gather and cultivate the powers of…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 3: The Power of the Teacher
Courageous Heart Series—Part 3 of 4: The Power of the Teacher You have the gathered the love of your path (Healer) and the wisdom to…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 2: The Wisdom of the Warrior
Courageous Heart Series—Part 2 of 4: The Wisdom of the Warrior So what does it take to live your life with a courageous heart? To…read more.
The Courageous Heart, Part 1: The Love of the Healer
Courageous Heart Series—Part 1 of 4: The Love of the Healer So what does it take to truly and fully live a life of Authenticity…read more.